Look out for our new event details coming soon!

Starting at
Gladstone Ports Corporation
(more details below)
$30 early-bird tickets
Walk for mental health research
The Combined Rotary Clubs of the Gladstone Region will host their second annual LIFT THE LID WALK in 2024!
These walks are a great way to spread awareness of the 1 in 5 Australians who are suffering from a mental illness.
Help us Lift the Lid on Mental Illness this summer by walking with us!
All proceeds go into mental health research through Australian Rotary Health.
The Details so far:
A 4 km walk from Gladstone Ports Corporation, Spinnaker Park, Alf O’Rourke Drive, Gladstone
We anticipate most walkers back by 10 am, so we're offering a free sausage sizzle starts at 10 am,
and they event will be finished by midday.
Virtual walks it can be an extended period rather than a dedicated date.
For example “during the month of October”
Anyone who has been impacted by or cares about Mental Health – dogs on a lead are welcome.
Entry fee:
$30 for adults Kids 15 and under walk for free.
Registration online, with t-shirts available for collection on the day of the walk

GET your business INVOLVED
2023/24 will see up to 26 locations across Australia walking for mental health research. ​It is the perfect time to get your company or business involved!
Support your local community, break down the barriers and stigma associated with mental health and help raise funds for mental health research. Today's research is tomorrow's treatment and cures.​​