TBA for 2025


Walcha Levee

$30 early-bird tickets
Walk for mental health research
The Rotary Club of Walcha hosted their inaugural LIFT THE LID WALK in 2024!
These walks are a great way to spread awareness of the 1 in 5 Australians who
are suffering from a mental illness.
Help us Lift the Lid on Mental Illness this summer by walking with us!
All proceeds go into mental health research through Australian Rotary Health.
Setup commences at 7am, stall holders will arrive at 7:30am,
Walk starts 10am and our free sausage sizzle starts at 10 am.
The track:
Start - Walcha Central School, 154E North Street, Walcha and then along the levee.
Walcha Levee walkway in the centre of town. 3km walk out and 3km back.
Start and finish at the same place Walkers can turn around at any time. It’s a walk not a run.
Path is along river levee bank with clearly marked concrete footpath.
Only one road to cross which will have marshals.
Walcha levee walk also has open air art sculpture gallery along the pathway for
tourists and visitors to enjoy.
GET your business INVOLVED
2024/25 will see 30 locations across Australia walking for mental health research. ​It is the perfect time to get your company or business involved!
Support your local community, break down the barriers and stigma associated with mental health and help raise funds for mental health research. Today's research is tomorrow's treatment and cures.​​